Marathon & Half Marathon Race Day Checklist

Marathon running in the light of evening,running on city road detail on legs

Finishing a marathon or half marathon is an important milestone in many runners’ lives, and the Vail area is filled with breathtaking scenery that creates the backdrop for some of the most beautiful long races in the country. Here are some of the most important steps to take before, during, and after your marathon or half marathon to ensure your race is as fun and successful as possible!

Race Essentials 

Here are some of the most important things to keep in mind on race day!


Choosing the proper marathon or clothing can make the difference between a comfortable race and struggling through far too many miles of chafing, sweating, restrictive clothing, or fluctuating body temperature. Ensuring your race day outfit is breathable is key to staying cool and avoiding irritation from fabric rubbing on your skin. It can also be helpful to start your race wearing an older sweatshirt or pair of sweatpants over your main outfit that you are okay with discarding once your body acclimates to current weather conditions. Never run a marathon or half marathon in clothing or shoes that you have not completed at least one long run in, even if you are familiar with the brand and own something similar.

Hydration and Nutrition 

Marathons and half-marathons generally provide several hydration stations along each course to make sure runners have access to plenty of water. Your course map will often indicate how many will be available and where to expect them, and you can use this information to calculate how much you should drink (and how long you can afford to stop) at each station to stay hydrated.

Adding plenty of gels or other compact snacks to your running belt is crucial in ensuring you have the quick energy to feel your best until the end of your race.

Safety and Medical 

While minor soreness is part of any long run, there is always the potential for sudden illness or severe injuries, especially in hot, humid, slippery, or inclement weather. Always ensure you know your race’s standard policies for providing immediate assistance to runners before race day.

Post-Race Essentials 

Finishing a marathon or half marathon is exciting, but your work is not through at the finish-line. Refueling, rehydrating, and managing any blisters, muscle soreness, or other minor injuries shortly after reaching the finish line are essential steps in recovering from the stress that any long run puts on your body.


Depending on the weather, your race clothes may be too cool or too sweaty to wear once you stop moving. Bringing a favorite sweatshirt or other comfortable clothing can help you feel your best throughout any post-race festivities and the rest of your day. After your race, it can also be the most fun time to wear your new marathon or half marathon t-shirt, jacket, or other swag if it is a good fit for the weather! Changing to flip-flops or other comfortable shoes can also give your feet a much-needed break.

Hydration and Nutrition 

Running a marathon or half marathon burns a lot of calories, so replenishing your energy with plenty of nutritious snacks once you reach the finish line is a must. Many races provide a limited selection of snacks and drinks, but it can also be helpful to pack a variety of your favorites. Understanding how many calories your body typically burns per mile can help you determine the minimum amount you should eat to feel your best.

Safety and Medical 

Heat-related illness and dehydration can still be problematic after you finish running, especially on extremely hot or humid days. This means that continuing to listen and respond to your body in the minutes, hours, and days after your race is a must. Give yourself plenty of time to recover before returning to challenging runs or strenuous exercise.

Pre-Race Preparation Tips 

Investing plenty of time and effort into ensuring you are as prepared as possible in the days and weeks leading up to your marathon or half marathon is a must, especially when eagerly anticipating your first. Some of the most important things to keep in mind when preparing for a marathon or half marathon include:

  • Choose your whole outfit in advance and wear it on at least one long run to make sure that each piece is comfortable and functional.
  • Deciding how many gels or other light snacks will best meet your nutritional needs and your preferred method for carrying them
  • Training conservatively during the weeks leading up to your marathon or half marathon and reducing long runs during this time to make sure your body is in peak condition on race day
  • Ensuring that you understand the logistics of your race, such as when and where to pick up materials, exactly where the start is and what time to be there, and whether there will be a bag check available to store items during the race
  • Watching the weather for several days leading up to your race to make sure that you are as prepared as possible for the conditions you will likely experience

Your Ultimate Race Day Companion: Ptarmigan Sports 

Running a successful marathon or half marathon involves choosing suitable clothing, shoes, and other gear. Ptarmigan Sports is one of the Vail area’s most popular options for finding your new favorite athletic and outdoor gear. Whether you are a local running enthusiast or in town for a specific race, we stock pieces from your favorite brands that match your style. Stop in today to browse our wide selection of running and other outdoor gear!

Image Source: Pavel1964/Shutterstock

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