Ptarmigan Sports carries an assortment of outdoor backpacks and gear in Vail Valley Edwards, CO. Make us your go-to, one-stop-shop for all outdoor sports gear and active lifestyle needs.
Outdoor Bags & Backpacks in Vail, CO
Ptarmigan Sports is a family-owned company for Vail, Colorado, that has been supplying outdoor enthusiasts with high-quality outdoor backpacks and gear since 1998. Located in the Riverwalk at Edwards, our store is in the perfect spot to provide you with outdoor performance gear whether you plan on hitting the slopes or hiking the beautiful mountain trails. With our vast inventory of outdoor sports gear, we know we can help you find the products you need to make the most of your time in Vail.
Outdoor Daypacks for Hiking
We carry large backpacks that are perfect for storing an entire day’s worth of gear. Whether you need to bring snacks and water bottles for a long hike or want to store enough camping bags and gear for an overnight adventure, our daypacks for hiking are made of durable, high-quality materials that are designed to withstand any weather condition. We carry various sizes to suit multiple needs and even offer models with built-in hydration to help you keep up with your water intake on the trail. Choose from daypacks made by well-known brands at our store such as Osprey and Gregory.
Trekking Backpacks
When you want to go on an extended hiking adventure, a good trekking backpack is a necessity. We carry trekking bags in various shapes and sizes so you can find one you love. Many options offer features such as numerous outdoor pockets and adjustable suspensions so you can customize the bags to fit your body type. You can also find models from great brands such as Osprey with multiple compartments that make packing for your trip easy. Choose from a wide array of colors and styles to find one that will help you tackle the hiking trails with confidence.
Mountaineering Backpacks
The Colorado Rockies offer numerous opportunities for snowy excursions. If you’re planning to trek up any of the mountains, preparation is critical, and a mountaineering backpack from Ptarmigan Sports is just the thing you need to carry all of your gear. A good mountaineering backpack must be lightweight and durable because you don’t want to be carrying a lot of extra, unnecessary weight while you traverse the mountain. Still, you also need the backpack to withstand various weather conditions and harsh temperatures. At Ptarmigan Sports, all of the gear we carry is tested by our active staff members so we can give honest, accurate recommendations for mountaineering backpacks.

Duffle & Travel Bags
If you don’t need a bag quite as large as a daypack or mountaineering backpack but still want a way to easily carry your gear, a duffle bag could be the perfect solution. Available in a wide variety of colors, the duffle and travel bags offered by Ptarmigan sports are ideal for many occasions. Store a few necessary items in one of our duffle bags to prepare for a weekend away from home, or store your skiing gear in a travel bag to prepare for an unforgettable trip hitting the slopes. Both our duffel and travel bags are spacious and lightweight. You don’t have to worry about them weighing you down when you’re on the go because they are made of durable, high-quality materials; you don’t have to worry about replacing our bags frequently.
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Tents & Sleeping Bags
Two essential items every camper needs are tents and sleeping bags. You need a durable, high-quality tent that can protect you from the elements and provide shelter during inclement weather. We offer tents of various sizes at Ptarmigan Sports, so whether you’re camping solo or on an excursion with the entire family, you can find a suitable shelter that will keep you warm and dry. For maximum convenience, our tents are easy to erect so you can spend more time enjoying nature.
Our sleeping bags are designed to help you stay warm, whether you choose to camp with or without a tent. We carry bags made of lightweight materials so you can add them to your trekking packs easily, and we have a wide array of colors, patterns, and styles for you to choose from. Choose a breathable mesh camping bag for summer excursions or select a sub-zero model to ensure you stay warm during the winter. Our inventory includes brands such as Big Agnes, Nemo, Mountain Hardwear, and Marmot so you can feel confident in the quality of the bag you choose.
Camping Essentials
If you plan on camping frequently in the great outdoors, you need to stock up on camping essentials. The inventory at Ptarmigan Sports ensures you’re ready for anything, so browse the items we have in stock to find lights to brighten up your campsite. We also carry cookware and portable stoves from great brands like MSR and Jetboil to make cooking in the wild easy.
Shop Outdoor Backpacks & Gear at Ptarmigan Sports in VAil, CO
Located in Vail Valley’s center, Ptarmigan Sports sits just off of Highway 70 on Main Street. As one of the shops in the Riverwalk at Edwards, our store provides both locals and tourists with the outdoor backpacks and gear they need to enjoy the many recreational opportunities Vail has to offer. If you would like to browse our inventory to find high-quality outdoor gear from brands you love, contact us online or stop in the store today to see what we have to offer.
Image Credit: By Jonas Tufvesson